

Behind the Smiley Girl
After she looks at her phone she screams and drops to the ground,
All eyes on her but she doesn't care anymore,
She just cries on the ground,
No one makes a move to help her,
They just stand in shock.
No one thought that she would ever do anything but smile,
They all knew her as the smiley girl that they see ,
But no one dared to look deeper than that
If they had they would of seen the bags under her eyes from not sleeping,
The ever so slightly bloodshot eyes and puffy cheeks from crying so much,
The way her voice cracks as she speaks about some things,
The looks on her face as she reads important messages,
And the fact that they never saw her outside of school anymore.
So as she cries they just stare in pity not knowing what to do,
After all how do you help the girl that helped everyone and told no one what was wrong?
So no one could help her as she broke down in the middle of the room,
Not knowing that her bestfriend just died,
That he just died from the pressure put on him,
That he just died and she wasn't there for his last moments,
So she breaks the smiley attitude and tears herself down,
She tears herself because she pretended that she was okay,
Because she didn't realize what he was going through,
Because she wasn't there to be his shoulder to cry on like he was for her,
Because she didn't stop him like he did for her,
And because the most important part of her life is gone.

So the smiles are gone,
The smiley girl doesn't smile anymore,
Why doesn't she smile?
Because the only reason she smiled was gone,
So she left everyone shocked,
Shocked because she stopped smiling,
Shocked because they finally saw the real her,
Shocked because she just tore down their opinions of her.
Now some think she's weak,
Others know that she is strong,
And most don't even know what to think,
Because she just broke down in front of them,
But the ones that knows she is strong have dealt with it before,
Dealt with the fake smiles,
Dealt with faking it for a crowd,
And dealt with holding all the emotions inside,
So no more smiles from her,
Whether they'd be real or fake they wouldn't see her smile,
Because the girl behind the smiles is showing,
And there is no going back.
© The Scarlett poet