

The climate is hot than usual,
In which we can't bear though the sun is miles away,
Thinking of the day of judgement,
Where the sun near and we can't run away.

The Almighty has created the hell,
With 70 times hotter than the sun,
In which we can't able to tell,
There will be alot of people will burn.

Just thinking of exam results,
Making me to tremble,
But I think of the result in day the of judgement,
To get the result in right hand with humble.

While preparing for the exam,
We think we are running out of time,
But our life ends without a last bell,
Living without thinking that I am running out of time.

I am sining without shame,
Just thinking it is just a game,
Not thinking about the heavens and hell,
Without the fear of Almighty.