

An Ideal World
I started imagining an ideal world,
Where people don't have their vision blurred,

A world where gender equality prevail,
And not for a good Constitution avail,

A world where the youth have a motive,
And not interrupted by some fake votives,

A world where caste/religion is a choice,
And not the mob mentality people's noise,

A world where emotional health of a person really matters,
And not the intensity at which that person shatters,

A world where judging someone is crucial enough to be stopped,
And not just a thing of knowledge every human being ever dropped,

A world where deserving respect is precise,
And not a thing to be gained at any Price,

So yeah, I dreamt of an ideal world,
But the irony is that I am unideal and immature enough to even fit and dream of an ideal world!!
© TheUncoveredThoughts