

# 1
In a silent world, times comes to a stand still
The universe staggers, drains of color
Meaning is lost along the threads of infinity
Tangents draw circles of countless straight lines

A quiet melody chants, the same assonance
It repeats, perseveres, as all there is
In a tiny universe, music saturates seclusion
It whirls throughout fields of desolation

Soft notes play, a hymn to melancholy
Closed eyes erase the void that surrounds
Space is consumed in a trance of fantasy
Creation comes undone within whimsical sound

And suddenly, everything overturns
Harmony shifts, enslaves order to chaos
Aria soars, erupts in piping crescendos
In a world of silence, turmoil breaks through solitude

Anxiety arises, blooms from nothingness
It flourishes, unravels, effloresces
Cages the heart, robs the lungs of oxygen
The heart that beats pounds in crippling disarray

Volumes escalate, tower above the skies
Tunes twist and shout in agonizing lament
Tears fall and drip, blood pours into the void
Dread swirls to existence, panicked echoing whispers

In this world of silence, I blink back to reality
To a land of noise and wandering souls
Of flickering lights and broken dreams
A land of you and I, lost among millions of others

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