

Just Being Crushed
The version of you
That I love is so much better
And it is so hard to let go
Everyone needs a little drama in their life,
Thats why I got you.

Heartache and crying all day
Just like i used to
I Lost you and you were never even mine
I called pain and it arrived at the wrong time

My imagination is beautiful
It created you
The boy who i fell in love
Had a whole story and we didnt even talked
Never maked a move
But in my head
It was a whole life that we lived

Every person that is gone
And i miss each of them
Is burned in my eyes whenever I saw another
And i know that I call pain
When I decide to love you

I did and it was the thing I expected
Heartbroken girl, drunk in the bed
Just for the record
Im mad instead
I let you to be in my head
In my life, its a complete mess

Your thought was the savior and who leaded me through hard times
Thats when i cry when i dont see you Sometimes
I need your everything that I imagined
Maybe your shitty
I dont even know
Maybe I never even wanted to

It cant be love
Is so much stronger
I hate you because youre not real
Falling and Trying to move on
From my creation
To a real person
It was just a face and nothing
Flirting for you
And then you got another girl
But for me
in my head, You were meant to be

I thought that you are just who i want
And Now i know the ugly truth
The boy i love does not exist
Its in my head
That why i cant let go of it
Just a thought
And a whole word through my eyes
My heart just keeps giving me supplies
Save yourself
And let it go
How am i supposed to Do
What am i supposed to Do

I hate to have a crush
How we call it is not saying too much
Because its a person
And a lack of information
And a beautiful mind
That makes a creation
Its better and so much easier
To love
And I needed a face why did i chose you?
I hate to admit to
I never even knew you

I think the Only thing that is good
When i have a heartbreak
That i make something beautiful out of it
To help others
Go through these shits
Because when you Do
This poem hits

In the clouds theres a hope
That love is nothing like that
Embarassing and Makes you think that youre less
Letting them control you
And make fun of you
All i ever wanted was to be loved by…who..?

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