

"Keep it Real "
We always say keep it real ! But that's an oxymoronic statement. Because your definition of real is how you feel and where your loyaltys are place with. Some people are devoted to family , some people are out for self. Some are dedicated do their work , some the streets , and others are only devoted to wealth. Some just want to be a part of something bigger , be a part of a gang or an organization to feel like they matter. Wether it's government politicians , Military , law enforcement , Bloods or crips. Being in an organization with like minded individuals is a gift. Camaraderie and a sense of belonging to a group. Shouting the same mantra , but they all might not feel the same way you do. So being on the same team , doesn't mean that they would ride for you. In essence the sentiment of "keeping it real "couldn't have the same affinity. Some people are naturally selfish so it will never be , sometimes you and sometimes me. Those people live by and I for an I. Always I and Always me. Meaning they never play fair and are always looking to beat or cheat. We label them as shiesty , dirty underhanded thieves. But in their eyes self preservation , is the only real they see. If your selfless and altruistic then this frame of thought is foreign to you. You'd split a pot evenly , no matter how thin it spreads to keep it true. So people believe in , do unto others as they do unto you. So being real in their minds all depends on what others do. In the streets a code of silence , is seen as badge of honor. But a law abiding citizen would label you a conniver. So who amongst us is really real. The one who always tells the truth. The person who wouldn't tell a little white lie to spare your feelings from being wounded. Is it real to always speak your mind and never be fake , to never feign interest , always be fair and never hate. Is it real to always put others before yourself , to want to see everyone win and be happy and never think about yourself. is it real to be loyal to people who will never be loyal to you. People who will never show the same love and admiration that you do. Is it real if you let different situations and circumstances change your character. Make you become hateful bitter and unrecognizable from the best of you. Is it real to sacrifice yourself just to stay true to you , try to save your integrity and self worth no matter what others do. Would you take the rap for a friend or your so called "Homies " if you got caught and they didn't. "Keeping it real " in the streets take 60 years and say you did it. Or would you sing like a bird and keep it real with those you love , let's be honest , who's going to take care of your family when your gone. but the streets say , shit your mouth , keep it real , wether your guilty or not you know what you signed up for and I agree. If you can't stand the heat in the kitchen , stay your ass up out the streets. But is that mind frame being real , or is it ass backwards stupidity. See being real is a perspective and it's definition is determined by you or me. So next time you tell someone or they tell you keep it real. It's probably wise to figure out , the frame of mind of the person in which you deal!
© ockindev213