

Dudu mbaya,
What've you done to me?
My future you've spoiled,
Come on Bwana!
You've caused me much lament

Dudu mbaya
I recall the uncountless days and could nights,that mummy spent,
Warning me of you,
And you destructive nature ,
But with pride I said,
"Aaah this not your time ma.

Dudu mbaya look at your deceiving nature,
You were too persistive,
Least could resist,
With sweets and cash,
You drew me close to you,
Now I lament how I wish I knew!

Dudu mbaya
Why are you this cunning,
I die deeply in grief,
But all seems well with you ,
I regret the sweet poisoned bait-
That attracted me to you!
Look ,how shamelessly I cry

Dudu mbaya
To your desires I threw my dignity,
By accepting to go lie at the green lodge,
The sweet poisoned cassava we ate,look now my stomach is full-
Shamelessly I walk,
With evidence we did it raw

Dudu mbaya please,
Why punish me this much?
As if not enough,you transferred the virus to me,
Thinner I get daily,
With my protruding belly.

Dudu mbaya!
You've landed me in trouble,
Lemmie stress the matter it's double trouble,
You surely are terrible
Your scent is horrible.
© Dinaice