

See No Evil 2
See No Evil

In the quiet corners of existence,
where shadows dance and whisper secrets,
I choose to be an observer.
I choose to stand on the edge of light,
not swayed by the tumult of darkness.

Amidst the cacophony of despair,
where the world’s broken promises echo,
I turn my gaze inward,
finding solace in the sanctuary of my spirit.
I cast a lens of joy upon the canvas of my days,
allowing only the hues of peace and righteousness
to color my perception.

In this practice of selective vision,
I am not blind to the shadows;
I see them, yet I do not give them weight.
They exist, as storms do,
but I am not the rain nor the thunder.
I am the calm eye, the space in-between,
where love’s light shines unfettered.

I choose to block out the clamor of the world’s sorrow,
to not let its gravity pull me into the abyss.
My eyes, tuned to the frequency of hope,
scan for the glimmers of grace,
the moments of kindness that thread through
the fabric of human interaction.
I see the strength in resilience,
the silent perseverance in acts of love.

In this chosen vision,
where only the positive is embraced,
I manifest a world of possibility.
I cultivate strength from the seeds of joy,
and peace blooms in the fertile soil of my attention.
My focus becomes a beacon,
guiding my path through the labyrinth of existence.

Though the darkness remains,
its weight is diminished by the light I hold.
I am not naïve to its presence;
I am discerning in where I place my energy.
I do not feed the shadows with my fears
but offer instead the nourishment of serenity and compassion.

Thus, I find balance in the midst of contradiction,
choosing to see the light in every crevice of life.
From this stance, love flows freely,
peace becomes my constant companion,
and strength is forged in the furnace of my unwavering focus.

In the dance between light and dark,
I am the witness of what I choose to behold,
a reflection of the positivity I nurture,
a testament to the power of sight
guided by the heart’s luminous compass.