

Inner Transformation
You can't fix the inside with outside landscaping,
A truth that's deep, and worth embracing.
For surface beauty, though it may shine,
Can't heal the wounds that's gaping inside.

A garden groomed, a house well-kept,
Won't soothe the tears that you've quietly wept.
No facial surgery or designer gown,
Can mend the heart that's broken and torn.

The soul's repair requires a whole lot more,
Than outward charms and fine decor.
It needs a touch, a caring hand,
A journey within, to understand.

Cause deep inside where shadows play,
Lies the work that paves the way.
To peace and calm, to love's own light,
A transformation out of sight.

So tend the heart, the mind, the soul,
Let inner healing be the goal.
For when inside, you find your grace,
The outside world will find its place.

Therefore. no facade can mask the pain,
Or bring the sun after the rain.
You can't fix the inside with outside landscaping,
But inner work, now that's life-shaping!!


© Nicole 🍒 JoMoRo