

The Voices In My Mind
In the depths of my soul, a symphony resounds,
A chorus of whispers, where silence confounds.
"The voices in my mind," they gently declare,
Unveiling the secrets that only I share.

Each voice, a fragment, a facet of my being,
In this labyrinth of thoughts, I find their meaning.
Some speak of love, a tender melody so sweet,
Others whisper fears, an echo of retreat.

The first voice whispers dreams, like soft caresses,
Whispering of possibilities, where hope coalesces.
It paints visions of worlds beyond my sight,
Guiding me through darkness, to embrace the light.

Then comes a voice of doubt, an unwelcome guest,
Its words like shadows, a haunting unrest.
It questions my choices, my worth, and my might,
But I strive to silence it, and forge my own light.

A voice of reason emerges, calm and serene,
Its wisdom a balm, a tranquilizing stream.
It offers clarity amid the tumultuous storm,
Helping me navigate, keeping my spirit warm.

Within me, a voice of courage begins to rise,
Its fiery passion ignites, illuminating the skies.
It whispers of bravery, of taking a leap,
Encouraging me to soar, to conquer and keep.

But amidst these voices, there's a gentle refrain,
A voice of compassion, alleviating my pain.
It speaks of self-love, with tenderness and care,
Reminding me that strength lies in being aware.

The voices in my mind, a symphony unique,
A kaleidoscope of thoughts that often speak.
Through their harmonies and discordant rhymes,
I discover the essence of my own lifetime.

For in their collective chorus, I find my voice,
An amalgamation of choices, my conscious choice.
Embracing these echoes, both clamor and kind,
I learn to harmonize, and peace I shall find.

So let them sing, these voices that reside within,
Together they create the music of my very being.
"The voices in my mind," I now proudly proclaim,
For they shape my journey, and they bear my name.
© Christopher Obeng-Manu (Christborn)