

Any Kinda Love
starts with a couple pills
glass of bourbon… exit.
it was on like a wild horse
with a deathwish and midnight in the ass-end of June.
“I’ll take the red pill
“ You take the blue. Hell
go ahead and take two,
completely out of options
with half of what was said.
I said “I’d give a little to get a little.”
but came up second place on a first place rhyme.
the first loser on borrowed time.
don’t fall in to deep, get your hooks in the rut, pull that motherfucker out of the mud
and trust yourself enough to fucking pass your time wisely.
any form of love will do for me.
I just need something for me to believe
know where you come from,
they closed down these days
one foot in the gutter and the other in a grave
stereotypes and underground slaves
burning midnight oil on a silver ghost train
funny in your mind
bring your girlfriend huh
it’s all the same
where do we go now?
and will you behave?
im not out of contact with some Iraq
another country becomes part of this thing
recklessly failing
I’m out of pain
can’t think of the words
and I misspelled her name
fierce in his footsteps
on top of his game
jack off ’all of nothing
run in place to stop yer
stop your mind with a poison dart
run out of dollars
arson was the start
press attorney for prostitution
everyone knows it’s 4 hours to Screwston
lay the hammer down
some leftover crack
all these rose pipes dicksuckers rollin
steamrolling smokestacks
running on empty
the day of the dead
pull that wagon with your own two hands
catch it on fire with love once again.
new hope’s is burning
let’s get you a mask
never show your real face for real it’s fact
now the tables have turned
to find these fake bags
of the biggest rubies and fucking gold rubbish
Count St. Germain has mysticaly fixed the flaws from the fake.
it’s not our zero tolerance policy or loop de fucking loo.
its saying:
“from me to you”
with a giant middle finger
fuck this planet this world had gone gay.
the worst of them all
the United States
it won’t make any difference
it’s no honest mistake
I’d like to be good before
I die
the last one standing
kneels down to cry
a Bloody Mary’s
for breakfast
a lil spit in the eye
should known better
but don’t know why
remember to never ever ask the question why
somewhat redundant
ok I’m still alive another way to get killed or just strait up survive
this shack that we’re in
camping for life.
posthaste had come way too early for us to see the prophesying story unfolding before our lying eyes.
we will have to eat shit one bite at a time.
still looking for her.
anything to love
it’s a crying shame
you can’t give that shit away. I’m all out of options
I gave all I had
get to the moon
I might start crying so
best do it soon
take down the ad.
or be dragged
fingers under toes
black eyes and a broken nose
a slutty accent leads to a
blow and go
a real shit throwing
dog & pony show
I’m really not in it
no one in it but me
shit where I eat at
sing out of key
suppling the drugs at the
age of 14
acting out
being louder
awfully quiet for a shouter
it never seemed like
you cared
is everyone as motherfucking scared
more than I can bear
don’t get clowned out way down there
hop a train in your underwear
almost dead fucking broke
all out of black, polish, & gay jokes
who did we think that we are
took to jail for stealing a race car
any pot to smoke?
Oklahoma is right there
I mean hit it with a broken arrow.
wing a bird maybe fry a few.
I take whatever I can get.

Jus Sayin’

© Love Letters or Suicide Notes 2024