

You’re a puppet to your own demise
You hide behind a sign that says
“I’m labeled for who I am”
But you disregard the inner truth
of who you really are.

You have no idea, do you….
You’re lost within yourself.
Your influential state of mind.
You’re a puppet on the shelf.

Someone comes by and picks you up
and shows you a little attention.
You have no control, what others do.
Yet you give them your permission.

To grab your strings and make you move
In any given direction.
And there’s nothing you can do
because you crave this sick attention.

I was the one who cut your strings
and brought to your attention.
Don’t let them influence you!
Don’t be misdirected!

I was the one who revealed the truth
of all their true intentions.
I was the one who helped you see
The puppeteers Inception.

You’re blinded by, an act of kindness
Your blinded by your hate.
Your influential state of mind
You’re lonely and out of place.

So you resort to social media
to try to find who you are.
You write a poem, you post a pic
and now you have these scars.

It’s just another puppet string
you’re allowing to control you.
When will you finally realize
these distractions will destroy you

You’re allowing them to mold you.
You’re allowing them to school you
Do yourself a favor
and cut the strings before they kill you.

© JustAnotherInkling🎨