

Had it been yours too..
It was an Era then,
Our Thoughts would ooze only,
On a paper by our mightier pen.
Fortunate we were,
To take the efforts,
And spill all our endeavours.
I remember one such time,
trying my damnedest,
To express all my words of divine.
For the attempt this time,
Was not a letter to a lay one,
But for a persona too sublime.
I had to imbue the letter,
With utmost of me and my feelings,
So that my aura dwells on her better.
My dream wasn't onerous,
But to make her aura mine,
Was making me more nervous.
Even so it was a letter.
Full of love , emotion and belief
I just hope it to be my forever life setter.
With time no lesser
My affection was enclosed to reach her
Fingers were crossed ,for my first ever love letter.

© Ritzy Sage