

Unrequited love

A distinguished smile,
While she looked in to his eyes,
Like a bond of sky and twilight,
Never heard, never realised,
It was tale of love,
Perhaps; unrequited to be precise,

She was brighter as day,
And he; darker as night,
Would they ever be together,
Her heart always despised,

Like an unendless tale,
She carried him in her heart,
Though; he never knew,
Unknowingly she was outcast,
Carrying love that never,
Departed her heart,

A tale not so simple,
Neither too hard,
Confession was made,
With gifts and flower,
Dejected she was;
When he broke her heart,
It was a tale of love,
Unrequited yet purest apart,

As if; Sea never found her ocean,
Though, Dazzled throughout;
Journey to destination,
A tale of love it was,
Unrequited yet precious for heart.

© Confusedtales