

A Mirror's Dialogue.
In the mirror's gaze, I see,
Another version staring back at me.
A reflection not quite my own,
A stranger in a familiar tone.

"Who are you?" I softly ask,
"Are you the future or the past?"
With a smile, it starts to speak,
A voice both strong and meek.

"I am the dreams you left behind,
The hopes and fears intertwined.
I am the choices not yet made,
The paths where shadows fade."

"Why have you come?" I inquire,
"To reignite a dormant fire?"
"To remind you," it gently replies,
"Of the strength within your eyes."

We converse through the looking glass,
Of moments lost and those that pass.
Of courage found in the heart's deep well,
In stories only time will tell.

As the dawn begins to break,
I feel a shift, a subtle quake.
The mirror clears, the image fades,
Leaving wisdom in its shades.

A different version, yet still me,
A blend of what was and what will be.
In the mirror's truth, I find,
A deeper peace, a clearer mind.
© inspirelink