

"my baby"
I stare alone through the car's cracked windshield,
Aching heart, a soul that's never healed.
In the distance, I see a flicker of light,
But it fades away, leaving me in the night.

The city streets, a canvas of despair,
Loneliness engulfs me, it's too much to bear.
I long for a touch, a hand to hold tight,
But all I have are shadows, haunting my sight.

I wander through the darkness, lost and cold,
Yearning for warmth, a love untold.
The echoes of laughter, they pierce my soul,
Reminding me of a love I'll never hold.

I just want someone to call me "baby",
To whisper sweet nothings, to save me, maybe.
But the silence surrounds me, suffocating my plea,
Leaving me with emptiness, for eternity.

The tears that fall, they stain my cheeks,
A testament to a heart that always seeks.
But in this cruel world, love is a myth,
Leaving me with nothing but a bittersweet wish.

I wish for someone to call "my baby" I weep
But until then, I'll remain in this sadness so deep,
Aching for a love I can only dream to keep.
© jMaj161914