

If any one out there listens,this is my cry for help!!!
I feel so broken to the core
I really need some help,if any one out there listens.
when I have unanswered questions,
I avoid asking.
Even when I want to be inquisitive,
It seems like I'm bring bad memories.
Every one seems to forget you,
but I'm not.
The scary dreams I had back then,
I call them nightmares
But now I realize they are not,
Because that is the only time I get to see you.
The little memories I have left of you,
Is fading away.
Whenever I ask a question,
Even not about you,
They feel like am asking indirectly about you.
You are one important person in my life.
There is this big hole in my heart,
That can't be mended,even if I'm given everything.
Each day that goes by,
I ask myself if I'm going to feel this way forever,
I guess that's the feeling of losing someone.
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