

Rainbow colors shining bright 🌈
A symbol of hope, a beacon of light
For teens who once felt lost and alone 🤕
Now free to be themselves, their true selves known 💖

The LGBTQ community, a safe haven 🏳️‍🌈
Where love is love, and all are equal 🤝
A place to express, to be proud and bold 🌟
Where differences are celebrated, young and old

Teens once afraid, now stand tall and proud 🙌
Their true identities, no longer shrouded 🌫️
They embrace their queerness, their gender and more 💕
Unapologetically themselves, forever more

The impact is vast, the change is real 🌈
Teens living authentically, their hearts now healed 💖
Love is love, and all are free to be 🌎
A generation of acceptance, for all humanity 🌟

So let the rainbow flag wave high and bright 🏳️‍🌈
A symbol of hope, for all in sight 🌈
For teens who are free, to be themselves and thrive 🌟
A world of love and acceptance, where all survive 💖.
© Becky_