

Words With My Younger Self
Your flesh is young and the roads you must walk are long and weary.
Do not mind love the knifes that stick in your back those were lessons lurned.
Pull them out and seal your wounds tight that was not the end of your fight.
You will have to bear the weight of the world.
Yet in the end your road was never just foes and woes.
There was laughter in some of those tears as you walked along with your children in tow.
Those will forever be your light in this blightful road this soul had called home.
But whip away all the worst and behold the road paved in gold.
What changed?
It's simple as could be.
You quit fighting that side that screams to be let out be free.
You step into your power there is no dought.
So while the lessons are hard and filled with fights, and doubts.
Know love that in the end you still stand prouder then before.
A bright light that refused to be extinguished by there might.
Now smile child and gather your fight the wolves bay and it's your turn to play.

© Letitia Adams