

"Embracing Forgiveness: A Moonlit Revelation"
As I lay on my bed and gazed at the full moon,
Tears streamed down my face, a feeling of release too soon.
A sense of freedom, of inner peace emerging,
Causing droplets to fall, my emotions converging.

I realized I needed to forgive, to let go of the pain,
For it was holding me captive, my progress to restrain.
I was trapped in a cage of my own making,
Unable to move forward, my growth forsaking.

On this sacred night, healing embraced my soul,
Infusing me with strength, making me whole.
I understood that harboring bitterness and hate,
Would only anchor me down, sealing my fate.

Life will always bring disrespect and frustration,
But I entrusted those matters to a higher power's contemplation.
For hate in my heart, I knew, would only consume,
Leaving me imprisoned, lost in its dark gloom.

So today, I urge you all to relinquish the strife,
To forgive, let go, and embrace a new life.
Allow God to handle the actions of others,
For in releasing hate, you'll uncover inner colors.

© miracle oguine