


The days were unending as were the nights,
She waited and waited and waited,
But there seemed no hope in sight…
She looked back onto the past,
And there seems nothing good to remember,
But pain and regret.
She felt the world coming down on her,
Like raging terrors,
The negative criticisms keeps echoing in her mind,
Swallowing her up like quick sand,
Making Life more unbearable.

She sat in the dark nights,
Feeling alone and down,
With nothing more to hope upon but death,
So she gave in,
First, a pill then an overdose,
She felt the pain,
But it was a bitter-sweet one,
Making her soul relaxed in pain,
The entire world looking peaceful at a glance,
She smiled at this sensation,
A bitter- sweet agony.

And this makes the world a cruel one,
For we looked on without offering any help,
Expecting more than we should from others.
Leaving them no choice,
Other than depression,
A bitter pill for the troubled soul.

#fightingnegativecriticism #fightdepression

© Henrietta Otu