


→What is reflection of light ?
Musu charm touches moon
And moon bunces is
Back to earth is known
As reflection of light

→ what is Refraction of light ?
Diamonds don't shine ..they just
Bend the light that comes
Out of musu glow inside them
This is Refraction of light

→What is rainbow ??
When light falls on
Musu divine beautiful tears
It produces VIBGYOR
& Other mystery colors

→what is Scattering of light ?
When angel musu takes some
Fire flies in her hand and
Throws it into the sky
They become stars
This unusual phenomenon
Is called as Scattering of light

→ what is Dispersion of light?
When musu enters physics lab
Prism produces kaleidoscopic
Patterns ..this is musu mysterious
Aura ...lab now looks like
Musical party classroom

Amu :
I dislike physics
I love musu physique


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