

Was It Missed?
“Many eyes go through the meadow, but few see the flowers in it.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

The universe is painted
with His handiwork,
through every crook sand crevice,
through words written in His book.

To shapes in clouds,
to colors in the rainbows,
to the flowers that bloom,
the trees that stand so grand.

Through the eyes of each soul,
the messages in heart,
the actions of kindness,
toward others with thought.

The talents that get honed
through the work of the hands,
the genius of the dyes
that provide the paints.

Through winds that’s blown,
the smells of the rain,
the waves of the oceans,
that shape scenes in new array.

The handiwork of the universe
comes in full display
when we learn to look for it
in every way.

When we look for the negative,
we miss the beauty entirely.
When we look for the beauty,
may be hidden, we learn to find it.

#beauty #talent
#writcopoem #wtitcoapp
#writcocommunity #writcofamily

@Becky M Scranton