

Raindrops in a jar
"Raindrops" stored in a tiny, little jar
Sounds of clouds thundering afar
Yet such a quiet evening i had never lived
Those raindrops were so misconceived
Banished from the great skies
They once came falling down, down below
Into the earth down, down below.

All they wanted was a place to live in
So i collected a few, gave them a home
The mess of a place i had been living in
Shared the comfort, the love and care
To me, it was only much right and fair
They stayed quiet all day and night
I kept quiet all day and night

The jar had become dirty, to me atleast
So i washed it thoroughly everyday
Days went by and i kept doing the same
They had become even quieter
But i only had realised it much later
The raindrops were no more, no more
My love was no more, no more.