Stirring at the sunset memories of the sunrise,burning with desire,truth of a living dead, dark reddish clouds there and there in the midst of the horizon, As i recall all great conversations i had with her,lonely sounds be played by unknown neighborhood from afar, loneliness be walking slowly in my mind getting there,yes Getting there breaking all source of peace in my heart,Behind all thoughts as i came across a tree slowly being blown by soft wind,Slowly as my medulla...
Stirring at the sunset memories of the sunrise,burning with desire,truth of a living dead, dark reddish clouds there and there in the midst of the horizon, As i recall all great conversations i had with her,lonely sounds be played by unknown neighborhood from afar, loneliness be walking slowly in my mind getting there,yes Getting there breaking all source of peace in my heart,Behind all thoughts as i came across a tree slowly being blown by soft wind,Slowly as my medulla...