

Letting Go
When we let go,
We let go of everything,
We let go of thoughts,
We let go of anger,
We let go of memories.
We let go of sadness,
We let go of anxiety,
We don't hang on,
We don't smile very often,
We don't have many passions,
And when we do,
We barely follow them,
We don't have energy for anything,
We sleep but wake up tired,
And we hate every moment,
Good or bad,
People like us let go to be free,
But we let go of everything,
Not just the feelings,
In some cases we let go of to much,
Then we have to fake our emotions,
Because we don't have real ones,
Though we still let go,
No matter what,
And to us it makes sense,
After all who would want emotions that hurt us,
The ones that let go don't for sure,
We don't want to get hurt more than we already are.

© The Scarlett poet