

What is life. Life is a challenge

Life is a rollercoaster where the only thing is to get back up when you fall down that hill.

Life is a blister of emotional circumstances that you have to control and not loose your cool even to be at the verge of killing someone who keeps raping and beating your sister because the abuser will never be the victim untill
You retaliate and now his life's in danger so now it's his tern to be the victim.

Life is a bunch of bull crap titles that we have no control over and
Life laughs at us because it can not get in trouble because it's not visible to us humans talking bout evil demons and devil.

Life is a bunch of curious people
That have a Ouija board not knowing what there doing and so there's more demons that infect this stuck up world so now this world has been plagued.

Life is a bully

Life is a struggle

Life is a struggle to survive

Life is a headache

Life is what we make it

Life is heart break

Life is an advantage taker.

Life is pure terror not knowing what to expect.

And finally life is death or eternity

But mostly life is a choice.
© santanna