

Feminine Wiles
Why does my heart wince when they say attractive?
Why is that a dirty word?
Why do I hate it?

I am equated with something other.
I don’t think I’m other.
I almost don’t belive it when it’s said.

Attractive is not necessary to me;
I don’t want it;
I don’t want the connotation of using it.

But it’s not use,
It just is,
You can’t turn off your appearance to others.

Might as well embrace it, I guess
Might as well use it, I guess
Enhance it.

It’s one of the greatest powers a woman can have—
Our ‘feminine wiles’—
And oh what a shame it is to perpetuate that.

But I see it like this:
1. Power is control
2. Control is comfortable

//an expiriment in punctuation & pattern
/March 3rd, 2023