

Dear youth
Why are thou sleeping?
Rise up, do great
You are assiduously given to the call
Never give up
You are at center of absolute strength
Hope for the best and envision of better tomorrow.

Dear youth
Thou are the layer of the society
Be equipped with the best education
Contribute actively to the development of the society
Thou are the boon to thy society.

Go up, begin self awareness
Flourishing and prospering
To reach apex, Start from the bottom
Open the window of the dark room of the world.

Today youth, tomorrow leader
Learn about tomorrow
Be properly educate and taught
Shoulder the leadership
Expand the responsibility of tomorrow
Wipe out poverty.

Being a youth is being fearless
Have a big dreams and a great aspiration
Make stuff while your brain is fresh
Optimize your learning and personal happiness
Don’t kick yourselves out of past failure
You are still young
You can make a difference
Live without regret.