


The imbalance trails of life
and its burden has bend me,
Now the fruits I bear,
Falls off onto the pathway many
detest me,

Form a distance, they say
I am a tree of no value and beauty, that needs to be cut down,
Unfair is life but destiny is mystical and it is a covet to thy heart of men.

Selfhood I acclaim!
I am not a burden to mother nature so then why am I to you?

Selfhood I acclaim,
I am not a burden to my specie
so then why am I to your conscience?
you perception I guess has influenced and burdened you with worries - you know not.

Selfhood I acclaim!
I am a beauty incomparable to no other and a helper to many that cherishes me even though you see nothing in me.

A bend is not deformity,
but rather a factor of exploration.
I seek not only to see by my sight only,
For my legs carries me, and my mind makes my visibility possible.

I am a tangible factor of life,
I am a tangible factor of selfhood and not to that of perceptual influence to please others.
