

Scattered but I'll pick up the pieces
Altered, but uniqueness will stand
Love fills my heart to heal up the pieces
Joy abounds with love in expression

I have all my dreams in mind, don't wait
I move all along this line , just don't tarry
I'll pick it up again, with fragments to hold
As I remain solid for Love to hold together

Your word a little thorny these days
You've left me without any honey left
All the while I was so horny for you
There you disappeared to fetch a cunning type

Give me a shared portion of your boom
I'll gather my mind to a manifold bloom
Just I know the sky is left with some blues
I'll take to you far than the land of Zombie

Though, the pieces you see
Even if fragments are farther apart
I'll consider being scattered indeed
Yet, I'll never give in to being broken

To the jungles of the affair I've had
With the libs of wildlings I've kissed
Only to desire and get more of Love
I'll stand strong and never be broken

By Sir Taitophil
© Sir Taitophil