

Farewell Grandmother
15 years ago, November 1, 2006 you went to your final resting place. Rest in peace

Do you see the tears of this child, which, on the way,
On this white cheek, where you once laid your hand,
Flow silently, sadly, following your procession,
And walking alone, without your smile to protect him.

Do you see your little child at the start of the crowd, who,
Sitting before this stone, and holding back his cries,
Gently, with his little fingers, caressing the marble,
Crying over his young life which is already decaying.

Do you see from this azure sky, the blazing sun,
Which with its rays warms her innocent heart,
And makes these bunches of lilies and heather bloom,
And whiten thy grave with prayerful gestures.

Do you see her wounded soul, her dark wounds,
Eternal wounds to this broken heart,
That say good-bye to my mother, farewell to my mother,
And look with hope to the firmament.

Do you see, O my God, from this terrible pain,
A mournful soul is born, who in this peaceful place,
Abandoned of his chair, and of his becoming,
Has only a grave and its memories for a parent.

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