

This Is All Out War
A field of blood before my eyes
Deceased, unsettling with open eyes
Fresh wounds
The smell of death overtakes the air
The flag still stands torn and tattered
Bloodied and battered, the few who live from this
Humanity is set aside for the collision of the violent divide
The towers on opposite ends
War never stops for them
Field of blood
This is war
Ultimate war
One won’t walk away unchanged
Images burned into the mind
The dark strike at those in white
Warrior arise
Continue this fight
We walk among the bodies
Friends fallen
Thorns embedded into flesh
The stench of the air is death
What were these lives lost for?
This is the warrior’s field
Those in the towers
Do they see
The bodies bathed in blood
Or do they detach
And send who they see
As animals to fight
For something unworthy
Of the cost
Count life as loss
Dichotomy of the mind
Polarized by the two opposite sides
Open your eyes to the field of blood
Before your eyes
Feast your eyes on the loss of life
Their blood is on your hands
One day a man won’t stop until
He’s run you through with the sword
An extension of both his and your hand
What did these men die for?
Who did these men die for?
© MattDyver