

🎼“Travelling Song!”🎶
“The ghost of my past is bringing me to a grateful end.
I have been up and down this long and dusty road and gained and lost far too many friends.

Perhaps this is a foregone conclusion to summerize this lengthy poetic journey.
To reflect what life could have been if I haven't been born here exclusively.”

“Floater and drifter with words written, versed, quoted and never once been seriously appreciated.
I did my damnest best to stake a healthy claim.

But the more rubber my tires laid down I couldn't gain no tread.
Without a purpose, without a method for my unmarked fame.”

“It's been said that your home is truly where your heart is.
But without success, I tried with trial and error but eventually failed.

You smiled and greeted me with the kindness of words but in reality you never wanted me around.
To the level of novice I kept myself grounded knowing that I could've easily prevailed.”

“Love cannot be bought with no price whatsoever for a real piece of mind.
Even in a moment or two where you can clearly take charge.

All the days and nights you end up coming short, even when your flow is strong.
You can beg, cry, plea, reason, bargain, piss and moan.
But you'll end up departing this place with a well written travelling song!”

“I cannot make any human being accept me or want me here no matter what I say or do.
Keep your silver and gold and all you know as pure and precious.

Likes without real feelings means nothing against the numbers behind them all.
But what makes you feel good these days becomes acceptable and highly infectous.”

“I have been around but I won't be here to last forever.
The same will be said amongst your friends and enemies about the likes of you.

A smile in your face to where you can't realize you're quietly been replaced.
Step forward into the limelight to a false applause and never truly gather the clue.”

“As for me, I'm long overdue in blowing this poetic popsicle stand.
My feelings alone will not allow me to linger one minute long.

It will be heartbreaking now to be in the comfort of another's faithful company to keep.
Moving slowly on to eternity, to whistle the tune of this sad, endearing travelling song!”

© 2023 RyderSound® Originalz!
Online Freestyle Poetry
Pandora's Pen / GSPro!®

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