

Celestial Beauty Enshrined in Earthly Grace
Have we ever seen a beauty as she?
Her ravishing charm, a bewitching sight to see.
The purest of the pure, like a white turtle dove,
Hers is the beauty which resurrects love.

Her hair, a cascade of silk so dark,
In her presence, my world lights up a radiant spark.
Her scent, a fragrant, enchanting spell,
In her presence, everything feels so well.

Hers is the beauty which bewitched our gaze,
Her eyes, a twin pool of galaxies, worthy of praise.
I’m captivated by her in every single way,
In her gaze, I long to forever stay.

For she is the beauty, brighter than the moon,
Casting silver beams that softly swoon.
Is it the brilliance of her face that outshines the night,
Or is it the moon itself, with it’s soft, silver light?