

The Dilemma Of Dreamy Poets
It was not so long ago,
that I slipped into,
the undeniable truth,
that being a poet,
called for tons of courage.

To think that we poets possess,
the spirit to voluntarily refresh,
everything that acutely shatters our hearts,
from our deepest wounds and traumas,
to our most painful scars,
solely for the sake of keeping,
our pens breathing,
which further fires our passion.

We dig deep into our bruises,
and let them rejuvenate our pain.
We retell our stories to strangers,
through what we compose,
indeed, it's our valor,
enclosed within our creations that shows.

We are indeed artists,
with such enormous power,
resting in the nibs of our pens.
For we have the ability,
to influence people's age old mindsets,
and make them comtemplate,
over their disrespectful opinions.

We heal the broken,
and gift light to the directionless,
through the way our minds work,
which further works as an open testimony,
to our indisputable effect.

To be a poet means,
to seek poetry,
in all that we see.
To be a poet means,
to beautifully interpret,
our life and its subtleties.

To be a poet means,
to be a hopeless dreamer.
To be a poet means,
to be a hopeless romantic.

Poetry to a poet,
is what therapy is to the depressed.
A poet never gets tired,
to pen down what it soulfully admires.

Perhaps, it's a pleasure,
to be one of those,
that spot...