

The Constant of Us
the years have flowed like an unyielding river
as if the future couldn’t wait to claim us—
we were just two souls
awkwardly saying hellos,
saving all our saturdays and sundays
for dates,
exploring cheap cafes,
invading every fast food place,
lost in each other's company,
our love still raw and unformed.

time has gently rearranged my face,
the features of youth softened,
the carefree glow replaced
by a serious, stoic calm.
yet my long black hair,
which you loved so dearly,
still cascades down my back—
a memory unchanged
in the mirror's reflection.
no wrinkles yet,
but my freckles now bloom
like constellations,

and with all these changes,
you love me still,
kissing each of my insecurities away,
one by one.

i can’t believe it
—your love that remains,
but it’s a wonder
to know you still cherish
this older version of me.

all these years hastened us
to today—
here we stand,
grown man and woman,
living the life we once played at,
pretending to understand
this thing called "adulting."
time spent together cut in half
by responsibilities,
yet we laugh,
yes, we are doing this right.

everything has changed
except this—
the one constant in my life
is your love.

when the world becomes
too heavy to hold,
you are the anchor
that steadies my soul.
and in your arms,
i find the only truth that matters—
no matter how the years
shape and redefine us,
your love is the ageless melody
to which my heart still beats.

*to my better half who stood by me through the years.

© reddragonfly