

At a Cheaper Rate
O Esau, Esau, thou cunning hunter!
Have you not a special skill to hunt better?
Behold the the field, a lamb awaiting your bow!
Why then for a portage, your destiny sold?

I wept sore to hear Esau say, 'take it';
What really doth this birthright profit?
For I have nothing else to give for an exchange,
Just a bowl of your sauce is all I need to keep age.

Ah! thou beloved of a loving father;
If you hath sought for bread and water,
You sure would have eaten and drunk to the full,
Instead for a moment become an everlasting fool?

Alas! a cry, an exceeding great and bitter cry!
I could hear him yell with a tightened eyes;
My birthright took he away, and now my blessing!
But father, have you not a reserved blessing for me?

O, Esau, Esau, thou cunning hunter!
Why for a portage thy destiny sold?
Now behold the consequences on your generations!
Indeed, a mighty cow exchanged for a chicken!

© Atonuje Efe