

love takes you high, sometimes low
Love takes you high, sometimes low,
In its embrace, emotions overflow.
Like a gentle breeze, it lifts you high,
With euphoria, it makes you fly.
You soar amidst the clouds so free,
Love's wings carry you, weightlessly.
But in its depths, you may also fall,
Into a pit of darkness, feeling small.
Love's rollercoaster, filled with ups and downs,
From euphoria to tears, it knows no bounds.
Love ,the journey, filled with twists,
A delicate balance of bliss and risks.
It teaches lessons, both sweet and tough,
Unveiling truths, making hearts rebuff.
But in the end, love's worth the ride,
For within its depths, true connections reside.
So embrace the highs, endure the lows,
For love's unpredictability often shows.
And through it all, remember to stay strong,
For love's journey, though tumultuous, is where we belong.