

I don't want to remember
I wish I could hate you
But I can not
Even though I perfectly remember every moment
When you hurt me
I can't get you out of my mind
Ever since our first meeting
You were singing happy birthday to my colleague
You kind of liked her but once you saw me
You decided that I'm better than her
I'm pretty sure I was
You started flirting and you told me
To touch your breast as a joke
You were the crazy one
So I did
Then we started planning a sleepover at my house
I remember every detail about that day
I remember which lip balm I borrowed you
I remember what puzzles we were solving
I remember how many episodes of anime we watched
I remember how my mom was suprised by your extravertic behavior. Happily suprised let me add.
I remember us laughing at the pictures of my old classmates
I remember our little 'jokes' on how fun it would be if we kissed
I remember when we lied in my bed and how hot was that night, it was like 28 celsius and we were overheating but neither of us wanted to lie on her side of bed, we were almost glued to each other
I remember drawing closer to you to kiss you
And how loud my heartbeat was then
I wish I could forget
All of those memories
And remember only the bad ones
But I can't
I wish I could hate you

© Suzanne.