

I Am I Said
In solitude, amid the night's soft glow, "I am," whispered the soul, a quiet echo.

Through city streets, where shadows tread,
"I am," cried the heart, where dreams were fed.

Upon the hill, 'neath the starry spread,
"I am," sang the spirit, no sorrow to be led.

In the quiet room, with memories bled,
"I am," murmured the mind, where thoughts were wed.

Through trials faced and battles fought,
"I am," declared the will, undeterred, uncaught.

In moments of triumph, in depths of woe,
"I am," resounded, a steady, sure flow.

For in the core of every breath we breathe,
"I am," the essence, where life we weave.

In every tear shed, in every joyous cry,
"I am," the truth, beneath the endless sky.

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