

The end of the journey
Remarkable was the day of your birth,
Remarkable was your childhood,
And the years that followed too soon,
Remember your journey one last time,
Before you close your eyes.

The Sun hangs low in the sky
clouds creating a sheer curtain.
Even the nature buds you bye
Tears just controlled.

How vast is this world!
Yet how transient this human life.
A breath in and not out
Into dust we turn ,no matter
How celebrated the journey.

Close your eyes and dream
May death consume you in her embrace,
in a bed of sweet roses.

I know I should be happy
in this full stop of your suffering.
Contrary to my wishes
Words fail and sobs overtake
My selfish grief overwhelming.

I will miss you, sweet love,
And I will remember you every day.
We will laugh and we will cry,
We will hug and we will hold.
For you remain in my heart
till I draw my last and
be with you too.
© Enyah