Reuleaux Triangle Privlidge
In Flatland
That distant imaginary country of two dimensions
Where three d folks look on and smile
At their goofy flat ways
The Circle is God
And the women are lines no one takes seriously
A strict case system created to mock
Crap Victorian Bizarreness
Well now
A Reuleaux Triangle
Is a triangle that can act like a wheel
Its a circle when it wants to be
And a triangle when it wants to be
And for centuries
The circles treated the Reuleaux like shit
Until after great pain and suffering
Now the Reuleaux are full circles
Except they also want to be victims...
That distant imaginary country of two dimensions
Where three d folks look on and smile
At their goofy flat ways
The Circle is God
And the women are lines no one takes seriously
A strict case system created to mock
Crap Victorian Bizarreness
Well now
A Reuleaux Triangle
Is a triangle that can act like a wheel
Its a circle when it wants to be
And a triangle when it wants to be
And for centuries
The circles treated the Reuleaux like shit
Until after great pain and suffering
Now the Reuleaux are full circles
Except they also want to be victims...