

NoTe 33
I'm a writer of the storm
Pouring out every word
As the clouds begin to form
The winds will surely be heard
Writing words like lightening
Striking down power lines
Thundering thoughts so frightening
Rumbling right out of my mind

That's just the beginning
Before this twister starts to spin
If you see it rotating
You best be out of its winds
Words will be thrown around
Until they fit my verse just right
Turning letters upside down
As they're blowing into the night
In an instant verses may appear

The next they may me be gone
Like a twister forming anywhere
Lasting from dusk 'til dawn
When I finally hit the ground
Words will just come spitting out
Crashing through this dam town
Like a freight train coming about
The path my words left behind
Will be a trail of mass destruction
From a storm that blew your mind
Leaving you unable to function
When it's over and winds are calm

The twister just disappears
You'll see what I've been writing all along
Cuz my verses are made from tears
Sometimes words come out like lightening
I'm a writer of the storm
Most likely verses are frightening
Don't say you haven't been warned.

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