


A MESSAGE TO @jessicakiite

Dear Jessie,

Dinosaur Dave🦕is just packing his bag for his return to Beautiful India. He has enjoyed his brief stay in UK to help me write some Dinosaur Doodles 🦕. for Comedy Day. To be honest he's not enjoying the food here, fish & chips every day! He really misses his Crocogator steaks, we don't have Crocogators here, only Tigerphants & Hipporoceros! Dino🦕 finds them a bit chewy with his false teeth.

Dino🦕 also wanted me to tell you just how much he enjoyed comedy day! He was amazed at how good the contributions were! he was also grateful to TheWritco Family, for reading, liking & commenting, in fact he found some of the comments so funny, he roared with Laughter so much so he nearly laughed himself into extinction!
(I forgot dinosaurs are already extinct, please don't tell Dino 🦕he might get upset, he thinks all his family are on a World Cruise!)

Finally, Dino🦕 said in the UK EVERYONE! Involved in Comedy Day would be called an "Inspirational Star"
he suggested I send you a couple of verses from his favourite song/poem for you to show them how much they are appreciated!
(he didn't write this song, it is by someone called Mike Batt)

It's about Spreading Inspiration To Others!

Some Call It Faith, Some Call It Love.
Some Call It Guidance From Above.
You Are The Reason Why We Found Ours,
So Thank You Stars!

Some People Think It's Far Away.
Some Know It's With Them Everyday.
You Are The Reason We Found Ours,
So Thank You Stars!

There Are No Winds
That Can Blow It Away On The Air,
When They Try To Blow It Away
Is When You Know
It Will Always Be There!♥️

Jessie, Take Care, Will Write Again Soon
Please Make Sure You Have A Plentiful Supply of Crocogators At The Bottom Of Your Garden By The Time He Arrives Home.!
