

Mukti by default Design to Moksha
Liberation, Moksha, and Mukti are Whispers of Freedom

In the stillness of a soul’s deep night,
Beyond the realms of mortal sight,
Lies a journey, ancient and bold,
To liberation, stories untold.

Moksha, the soul’s eternal flight,
From cycles of death into pure light.
A release from worldly binding,
A peace in every heart finding.

Mukti, the river's gentle glide,
Flowing free, no more to hide.
Breaking chains of earthly sorrow,
Embracing a timeless tomorrow.

In whispers of the wind, they say,
Lies the path, clear as day.
In silence, seek the inner call,
For in stillness, lies the All.

Let go of desires, let go of fear,
In the present, be fully here.
For liberation, moksha, mukti's key,
Is found within, where the soul is free and Liberated.