

Are we Really Independent?
By our constitution, we claim independence,
A declaration penned with noble intent,
We hold these truths to be self-evident,
But is this freedom merely a pretense?

In the corridors of power, we raise our voice,
Proclaiming our rights, demanding choice,
Yet in our daily lives, do we truly see,
The chains that bind us, the lack of glee?

Are we independent in our thoughts and dreams,
Or merely caught up in societal streams?
Do we choose our destiny or just conform,
To norms and expectations, uniform?

The constitution defines our fundamental rights,
But are we truly free in the darkest nights?
From oppressive systems that seek to control,
The narrative of our lives, the story we hold?

In the pursuit of success and material gain,
We often lose sight of what freedom should mean,
For independence is not just a legal right,
But a state of being, a soul's true height.

Do we have the power to break free from the mold,
To think, to act, with a courage so bold?
To challenge conventions and question the norm,
To stand up for justice, in the face of the storm?

Are we independent from the shackles of fear,
That constrict our hopes, that keep us from sheer,
Joy and fulfillment, true liberation of mind,
Are our spirits locked away, are they confined?

Let us reflect on the meaning of true freedom,
Not just enshrined in our constitutional kingdom,
But a freedom of thought, a freedom of soul,
To live with purpose, to make ourselves whole.

For true independence lies not in paperwork,
But in the depth of our being, the strength we assert,
In the choices we make, the actions we take,
To break the chains that attempt to suffocate.

Let our constitution be a guide and reflection,
Of what it truly means to be independent, a connection,
Between the legal framework and our daily existence,
A reminder of our worth, our value, our insistence.

So, let us strive for true independence, my friend,
In every aspect of life, till the very end,
For though we claim freedom, it's up to us to ensure,
That its essence touches every soul, pure.

By our constitution, we are independent, it's true,
But in our real life, let's make it so, too,
With empathy, compassion, and a spirit renewed,
Let freedom ring in every heart, in me and in you.

#poembydeep #deep_widin #deepz_talk #writco

© deep_widin