

You make me strong
I'm watching you silently,
while you're sound asleep,
hoping you won't wake up
and think I am some creep.
Or maybe I am, so was I told,
a thousand times before,
from my family
and so called friends,
but not anymore,
with you here, this all ends.
I don't care anymore,
what anyone thinks.
I'm gonna be me
with all my flaws and kinks.
I'm gonna be real,
for me, for you, for us.
I wanna have that relationship,
full of happiness and trust.
I'm gonna fight
with teeth and nails,
to have that future
from the old love fairytales.
Since I met you,
I completely changed,
I became stronger,
My life now is rearranged.
And for that, I love you
from here to the moon.
I'm going to tell you that,
when you wake up,

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