


I remember those days
When we would play away
Not caring about the sorrows of the world
But treating each other as all in one
And humming away like life's depending on it
With thoughts of sadness and sorrow free

But , too too cruel
We have to grow and be matured
We have to choose the words to speak
We have to point east while tackling west
We have to think and think
Like life's depending on it

No more candies when walking along the streets
No more sweets to sway our hearts with
Not even the tiniest bit of childish treatment
For time has changed everyone
Would you believe if I say it?
"That introverted girl was once my extroverted friend? "

If I could have the control of time
I would go back to the past
Rummaging through the wrongs
Finding the cause
And willingly changing
The things that had to make it be like this
'Twill be such a delight in my eyes

© Serpent Lady