

Endless cycle
In doubt's of my own, my mind becomes a cloud.
Thoughts storm in, raining to make the thoughts sprout.
"why cant you do this?," whispers persist,
Silent commands, i cant resist.

Did I make mistakes, what was I told?
Why can't I grasp what I need to hold?
A journey for improvement, an endless quest,
Success not achieving, a constant test.

What if- scenarios float in my head,
Worries that make me tear, a weight to bear.
Are they upset, have I messed up once more?
Needing reassurance, someting to feel to the core.

Am I the problem, do I stim too much?
Love's uncertainty, scared to nudge.
Choices revisited, a haunting refrain,
A different path, a divergent lane.

Words chosen carefully or spoken wrong,
Overstimulated, I am not that strong.
Fault's burden heavy, a silent scream,
Communication falters, lost in the dream.

Yet semicolon tells me, "You're still here. This feeling will pass"

..will it?

© Argenti